- Java 21 Features With Examples
- Java 21 Pattern Matching for Switch Example
- Java 21 Unnamed Patterns and Variables with Examples
- Java 21 Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods
- Java String Templates in Java 21: Practical Examples
- Sequenced Collections in Java 21
Spring Boot
- What is Spring Boot and Its Features
- Spring Boot Starter
- Spring Boot Packaging
- Spring Boot Custom Banner
- Five Ways to Run Spring Boot Application
- @ConfigurationProperties Example
- Mastering Spring Boot Events: 5 Best Practices
- Spring Boot Profiles Mastery: 5 Proven Tips
- CommandLineRunners vs ApplicationRunners
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Boot API Gateway Tutorial
- Apache Kafka Tutorial
- Spring Boot MongoDB CRUD Application Example
- ChatGPT Integration with Spring Boot
- RestClient in Spring 6.1 with Examples
- Spring Boot Annotations Best Practices
- How to Create a Custom Starter with Spring Boot 3
- Performance Tuning Spring Boot Applications
- Spring Boot 3.x Web Application Example
- Performance Tuning Spring Boot Applications
- How Many Requests Can Spring Boot Handle Simultaneously?
Reactive Programming with Spring Boot WebFlux
- What are Microservices?
- Spring Cloud Config Server Without Git
- Spring Cloud Config Client
- Reload Application Properties in Spring Boot
- Eureka Server
- Spring Boot Eureka Discovery Client
Design Patterns
Singleton Design Pattern in Java
React JS
- Introduction to React
- What is React?
- Why use React?
- Setting up the environment
- Setting Up Node and NPM
- Installing Node.js and NPM
- Creating a React project with Create React App
- Folder structure overview
- Understanding Components
- Functional and Class Components
- Differences and best practices
- JSX Basics
- What is JSX?
- JSX syntax and expressions
- Embedding JavaScript in JSX
- State and Context API
- Understanding State
- Using Context API for global state management
- Creating a context provider
- Lifecycle Methods and Hooks
- Functional component lifecycle hooks (useEffect, useLayoutEffect)
- Class component lifecycle methods
- Handling Events and Forms
- Controlled and uncontrolled components
- Form handling with onChange and onSubmit
- Using refs in form handling
- Error handling and validation
- Controlled and Uncontrolled Components
- Passing data with props
- Changing state from another component
- Context API vs. Prop Drilling
- Advanced State Management with Reducers
- Adding a context reducer for actions
- Combining multiple reducers
- Introduction to Redux and its use cases
- React Reducers and Context API : When to Use Reducers
- How to Style React Components
- API Calls in React with Axios and Fetch
- AJAX, Axios, and Fetch
- GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests
- Async/Await with API calls
- CRUD Operations
- Creating, reading, updating, and deleting data
- Error handling in CRUD
- Authentication and Authorization
- Implementing login and signup forms
- Token-based authentication (JWT)
- Role-based authorization
- Redux Essentials
- Setting up Redux
- Redux store and reducers
- Middleware with Redux Thunk
- Server-Side Interaction
- Persisting data to local storage
- Connecting to backend services
- Higher Order Components (HOC)