

  1. Java 21 Features With Examples
  2. Java 21 Pattern Matching for Switch Example
  3. Java 21 Unnamed Patterns and Variables with Examples
  4. Java 21 Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods
  5. Java String Templates in Java 21: Practical Examples
  6. Sequenced Collections in Java 21

Spring Boot

  1. What is Spring Boot and Its Features
  2. Spring Boot Starter
  3. Spring Boot Packaging
  4. Spring Boot Custom Banner
  5. Five Ways to Run Spring Boot Application
  6. @ConfigurationProperties Example
  7. Mastering Spring Boot Events: 5 Best Practices
  8. Spring Boot Profiles Mastery: 5 Proven Tips
  9. CommandLineRunners vs ApplicationRunners
  10. Spring Boot Actuator
  11. Spring Boot API Gateway Tutorial
  12. Apache Kafka Tutorial
  13. Spring Boot MongoDB CRUD Application Example
  14. ChatGPT Integration with Spring Boot
  15. RestClient in Spring 6.1 with Examples
  16. Spring Boot Annotations Best Practices
  17. How to Create a Custom Starter with Spring Boot 3
  18. Performance Tuning Spring Boot Applications
  19. Spring Boot 3.x Web Application Example
  20. Performance Tuning Spring Boot Applications
  21. How Many Requests Can Spring Boot Handle Simultaneously?

Reactive Programming with Spring Boot WebFlux

  1. Spring Boot Reactive Programming
  2. Spring WebFlux Mono Examples 
  3. Flux Tutorial Practical Examples


  1. What are Microservices?
  2. Spring Cloud Config Server Without Git
  3. Spring Cloud Config Client
  4. Reload Application Properties in Spring Boot
  5. Eureka Server
  6. Spring Boot Eureka Discovery Client

Design Patterns

Singleton Design Pattern in Java

React JS

  1. Introduction to React
    • What is React?
    • Why use React?
    • Setting up the environment
  2. Setting Up Node and NPM
    • Installing Node.js and NPM
    • Creating a React project with Create React App
    • Folder structure overview
  3. Understanding Components
    • Functional and Class Components
    • Differences and best practices
  4. JSX Basics
    • What is JSX?
    • JSX syntax and expressions
    • Embedding JavaScript in JSX
  5. State and Context API
    • Understanding State
    • Using Context API for global state management
    • Creating a context provider
  6. Lifecycle Methods and Hooks
    • Functional component lifecycle hooks (useEffect, useLayoutEffect)
    • Class component lifecycle methods
  7. Handling Events and Forms
    • Controlled and uncontrolled components
    • Form handling with onChange and onSubmit
    • Using refs in form handling
    • Error handling and validation
  8. Controlled and Uncontrolled Components
    • Passing data with props
    • Changing state from another component
    • Context API vs. Prop Drilling
  9. Advanced State Management with Reducers
    • Adding a context reducer for actions
    • Combining multiple reducers
    • Introduction to Redux and its use cases
  10. React Reducers and Context API : When to Use Reducers
  11. How to Style React Components
  12. API Calls in React with Axios and Fetch
    • AJAX, Axios, and Fetch
    • GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests
    • Async/Await with API calls
  13. CRUD Operations
    • Creating, reading, updating, and deleting data
    • Error handling in CRUD
  14. Authentication and Authorization
    • Implementing login and signup forms
    • Token-based authentication (JWT)
    • Role-based authorization
  15. Redux Essentials
    • Setting up Redux
    • Redux store and reducers
    • Middleware with Redux Thunk
  16. Server-Side Interaction
    • Persisting data to local storage
    • Connecting to backend services
    • Higher Order Components (HOC)